Telegraf on the Server

To get some data in InfluxDB we’ll install Telegraf to collect metrics from the Docker host itself. It’ll need to run outside of Docker in order to collect all available metrics.

Install Telegraf

sudo dnf install
curl -s $url |sudo tee /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
sudo chown telegraf /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
sudo chmod 640 /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf

At the time of this writing the ipmitool plugin in the latest Telegraf release was missing the “run local” feature. I had to compile the latest master and replace /usr/bin/telegraf.


Install software that Telegraf will be using. Rather than run Telegraf as root, the best idea I could come up with was to grant the telegraf user access to /dev/ipmi0 in order for it to collect those metrics.

sudo dnf install ipmitool hddtemp
sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/ipmi_devintf.conf <<< ipmi_devintf
sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/40-ipmi.rules <<< 'KERNEL=="ipmi0", GROUP="telegraf", MODE="0660"'
sudo systemctl restart systemd-modules-load
sudo ipmitool sdr  # Should list temperatures and more.
hddtemp  # Should list temperatures of all drives.
sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/hddtemp  # Add "-u F" for fahrenheit.
sudo systemctl start hddtemp.service
sudo systemctl enable hddtemp.service

Tweak and Verify

Now make changes to the configuration (e.g. set username/password/etc). Test your changes by seeing what Telegraf will be transmitting by running sudo telegraf -test and making sure it exits 0. Once that works try manually running Telegraf with sudo telegraf and make sure it’s able to send data to the database.

Once everything looks good enable the service:

sudo systemctl start telegraf.service
sudo systemctl enable telegraf.service

Wait a few minutes and then verify data is being collected:

sudo docker exec -it influxdb influx -database telegraf
SELECT * FROM hddtemp WHERE time > now() - 10m

getsockopt: Connection Refused Fix

Another boot-time race condition. Telegraf starts before the InfluxDB docker container. To get rid of these annoying errors I did the following:

  1. Run sudo systemctl edit --full telegraf.service
  2. Add Wants=docker.service to the Unit section.
  3. Append docker.service to the end of the Unit.After setting.