
All tables (except GithubFlavoredMarkdownTable) have the same settings to change the way the table is displayed. These attributes are available after instantiation.


The actual table data to render. This must be a list (or tuple) of lists of strings. The outer list holds the rows and the inner lists holds the cells (aka columns in that row).


table.table_data = [
    ['Name', 'Color', 'Type'],
    ['Avocado', 'green', 'nut'],
    ['Tomato', 'red', 'fruit'],
    ['Lettuce', 'green', 'vegetable'],

Optional title to show within the top border of the table. This is ignored if None or a blank string.


Toggles the column dividers. Set to False to disable these vertically dividing borders.


Show a horizontal dividing border before the last row. If True this defines the last row as the table footer.


Show a horizontal dividing border after the first row. If False this removes the border so the first row is no longer considered a header row. It’ll look just like any other row.


If True terminaltables will show dividing borders between every row.


Toggles the four outer borders. If False the top, left, right, and bottom borders will not be shown.


Aligns text in entire columns. The keys in this dict are column integers (0 for the first column) and the values are either ‘left’, ‘right’, or ‘center’. Left is the default.


>>> table.justify_columns[0] = 'right'  # Name column.
>>> table.justify_columns[1] = 'center'  # Color column.
>>> print table.table
|    Name | Color | Type      |
| Avocado | green | nut       |
|  Tomato |  red  | fruit     |
| Lettuce | green | vegetable |

Number of spaces to pad on the left side of every cell. Default is 1. Padding adds spacing between the cell text and the column border.


Number of spaces to pad on the right side of every cell. Default is 1. Padding adds spacing between the cell text and the column border.